How much are sessions? 

Prices Rage from $35-$150. Review individual therapist rates.

Do you accept insurance? 

Yes we accept Aetna, BCBS, Oscar, Cigna, Oxford and United Healthcare.


Do you offer couples therapy? 

Some of our therapists offer couples counseling, this is a question to bring up during your consultation.

Are sessions virtual or in person? 

All sessions are virtual.

Do therapists at NEW DEFINITIONS only serve individuals from BIPOC communities?

No; we serve people from all backgrounds however we prioritize individuals from BIPOC communities.

What if I'm running late to my session?

We understand that life happens, and we all have busy schedules. Clients are allowed a 10 minute grace period to make it to their session. Please communicate with your therapist should you be late to your appointment.


What is your cancellation policy? 

You are responsible for canceling your scheduled appointments 24 hours in advance to avoid a late cancellation fee. All late cancellations and no-shows will be charged a fee, please be advised this fee is your responsibility and we implement this policy because missing your appointments hurts three people: you, your therapist, and other clients who needed services.

I’m ready to book! How do I schedule my first appointment? 

To be brought on as a client, you should be able to attend sessions on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Therapy is proven to be the most effective when incorporated into your lifestyle regularly. If you’re ready to schedule your first appointment visit the services page.